We offer different routes and options for your scenic flight. Prices start at $40/person for one of our two standard routes for a flight
that is approximately 15 minutes. We also offer a longer flight of about 25 minutes in duration that combines the two standard routes and this costs $60/person. Note that for our standard pricing we require a minimum of 2 passengers. Solo passenger rates are higher.

When you book online, you are reserving a time, and we require a $25 refundable deposit to make an online reservation. You pay for the remainder of your flight in person when you take your flight.

If you have any questions please reach out to us by phone (231-723-8095)

Our aircraft can take up to 3 passengers per scenic flight. If your group is more than 3 people, we accommodate you in subgroups of 2 or 3 with back to back flights. Please choose the option below that corresponds to the number of passengers you are booking.